Danes Worldwide, in cooperation with the Embassy of Denmark, the Consulates General in New York, Chicago and Houston, the Danish Honorary Consulates in USA, Danish Seaman’s Churches in California and New York, Danish Industry US Office (DI), Danish Chamber of Commerce US Office (Dansk Erhverv), Danish Chambers of Commerce in the US, Djøf, and The National Foundation for Danish America are pleased to invite you to a free informational, online meeting:
Wednesday 26/2, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Danish time
(8:00 a.m. West Coast and 11:00 a.m. East Coast time)
The meeting provides a unique opportunity to get an update on issues like Danish citizenship (retention and re-acquisition), Danish state pension (folkepension), and family reunification (moving to Denmark). You can also learn how your children can retain and improve their skills in Danish language.
• Welcome by the Embassy of Denmark and by Secretary General, Mr. Michael Bach Petersen, Danes Worldwide
• An introduction to Danes Worldwide and their services supporting global Danes, including Danish language courses, The Danish Summer School, and political key issues by Mr. Michael Bach Petersen
• Legal advisor, Ms. Karoline Blyt, talks about the rules for Danish citizenship, the requirements to get Danish state pension and the possibilities to move to Denmark as a Danish-American family.
• Questions (Please note, only general questions, no specific personal anecdotes)
• Thank you and wrap-up by Mr. Michael Bach Petersen
The meeting will last 1½ hour but can be extended by half an hour if you have many questions.
The webinar will be held in English, but you are welcome to ask questions in both English and Danish.
Attending this online meeting is possible for all Danes and spouses, family members or other citizens in USA with a connection to Denmark. Membership of Danes Worldwide is not required.
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