Danish Summer School
10-17 year

An unforgettable experience, soaking up the Danish language and culture. 9-25 July 2025 in Denmark.

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Learn Danish and make friends from all over the world

The Summer School is a unique experience for expat Danish children and teens (10-17).
We teach Danish language and introduce a wide range of Danish culture to children living outside of Denmark. This is a fantastic opportunity to get to know Denmark better, learn Danish, and make friends with other expat children and teens.

The 2025 Summer School takes place 9-25 July in Denmark.

Prices and registration

Danish Summer School program

dansk flag

Danish language and culture

The Summer School program offers lessons in the Danish language and the culture of Denmark. We include material from topics such as history, religion, social studies, and natual sciences. This helps students enter educational programs in Denmark at a later date on an equal footing with Danish students.

Intensive instruction

The program offers approximately 75 lessons in language and culture, and expectations as to students’ work are high in that Summer School is not a ”camp” or a vacation. The teachers have professional credentials, and the style of instruction reflects the practice in the Danish school system featuring group work and collaborative work. Debate and discussion are key, and students practice making the case for their own opinions.

Activities and leisure time

Once the lessons of the mornings are done, Summer School offers several afternoon options such as sports, theatre, music, design workshops, and outdoor activities. We make sure to give the students time in the evening to socialize around a campfire or to watch a movie. In addition, we arrange excursions and local trips in which we go to the beach, visit a farm, pick strawberries, and the like.

Did you know that 70% of our Summer School students come back for another stay?

Do you want to join The Danish Summer School 2025?

We’ll get the student into the appropriate class

At Summer School, the priority is that students lean Danish while they socialize with their friends – new ones and old ones.
To ensure that all students are assigned to the appropriate class, the teachers administer a language test on the first day. The students are then assigned to a class in one of three levels: Danish for Beginners, Intermediate Danish, and School Level Danish.

Lessons in Danish language

Summer School offers 35 language lessons depending on the age of the students.

We make efforts to make the instruction engaging and enjoyable to provide a varied, rich, and creative learning environment.

Teachers at The Danish Summer School

All Summer School teachers have professional credentials in teaching Danish. They know how to build interesting and varied lessons and how to support each student individually with respect to learning and achievement.

The activity coordinators

Many of the activity coordinators have professional credentials in teaching sports, music, or design. They arrange the activities offered in the afternoons, evenings, and weekends: Sports and outdoor activities, cooking, theatre, games café, and design workshops.
Meet Summer School activity coordinator Kasper in this video.

Do you want to join The Danish Summer School 2025?

Which of the levels Danish for Beginners, Basic Danish, or School Level Danish is right for my child?

On the first day of Summer School, the teachers administer a language test to determine the most appropriate level for each student.

Is Danish the only subject taught at Summer School?

The Summer School program includes, in addition to lessons in Danish language and literature, instruction in the culture related subjects taught in the national school system.

Thus, history, religion, social studies, and natural sciences are part of the overall content.

That way, students gain insight into the society of Denmark and the cultural environment of Danish children and teens.

During the 17 days of Summer School, we have the students visit, say, a museum, a factory, a TV station, or an art exhibit. Sleeping under the stars in the woods is our way of helping students get to know the natural environment in Denmark.

What about food?

Students and staff take their meals together, and we make sure to provide a healthy and varied meal plan.

Meals may be tailored to the needs of students who avoid peanuts, nuts, gluten, lactose, pork, or meat in general. However, we are not able to accommodate requests for special food such as a vegan diet.

Is the student supposed to bring a laptop or tablet?

Students are required to bring a computer or iPad, and they are responsible for arranging to have the device stored under lock and key so that it is not left out in the dorm room.

We recommend that the device have a Danish keyboard with the letters Æ, Ø, and Å.

Is there a policy for tobacco and alcohol?

It is strictly forbidden to use or possess alcohol and substances such as marijuana. At all three venues, the use of tobacco products is banned.

Summer School staff enforce the rules. We stress that any violation of these rules may cause immediate dismissal. Any such dismissal wil be arranged with the student’s parents or contact persons. The cost of travel from the venue is the responsibility of the student.

Dismissal from Summer School will be a factor in a student’s opportunity to attend future Summer Schools.

What if a student leaves prematurely?

A student may depart prematurely due to illness, homesickness, or violation of the rules.

Once Summer School has started, refunds are not possible because we are unable to offer the space to anyone else and because our expenses for premises and staff do not decrease.

My child has special needs – may he or she still attend Summer School?

To the extent it is feasible, we welcome students with special needs.

Please reach out to Tina Andersen at tina@danes.dk or +45 3332 0913 to discuss the details.

The student speaks neither Danish nor English. Is that a hindrance?

We are unable to take on the responsibility for the safety of a student who cannot understand or communicate basic messages of emergency or symptoms of illness. Similarly, during excursions students must be able to understand traffic directions given to the group.

Additionally, it is our experience that students unable to speak Danish and/or English feel excluded from the community of other students.

Registration and payment

You can find information about registration and payment for the Summer School on this page

You are always welcome to contact us

The Danes Worldwide Summer School is a separate legal entity (a commercial foundation) to which the Danes Worldwide Secretariat provides administrative services.